Internships at PIRC

An important element of our mission at 预防创新研究中心 is to mentor the next generation of researchers and practitioners; our intern program is how we achieve this goal.

Mentoring the Next Generation

The Schechter Lab

Interns work within the framework of the Susan Schechter Domestic and Sexual Violence Social Justice Laboratory (the Schechter Lab), named in honor of the visionary in violence prevention and developer of “The Greenbook”, Susan Schechter.

A graphic of a quote in white letters with a turquoise background: "We work one-on-one with undergrad and grad students. 他们学习研究方法和策略,将发现传播给从业者, 谁将实施我们的循证解决方案."



Susan Schechter的照片.

The Susan Schechter Domestic and Sexual Violence Social Justice Laboratory (Schechter Lab) is a project of 预防创新研究中心 (PIRC), 以苏珊·谢克特的名字命名, 在预防暴力方面有远见的人. Her groundbreaking work: Effective Interventions in Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment Cases: Guidelines for Policy and Practice – also commonly known as “the Greenbook” – changed the responses of courts and child welfare agencies to victims of domestic violence. 谢克特实验室成立于2015年秋季,由谢克特博士于2015年12月成立. Sharon B. Murphy. 我们很感谢苏珊的丈夫. 艾伦·斯坦伯格和她的儿子, Zachary Schechter-Steinberg for giving permission to create the Schechter Lab in Susan’s honor.

这个跨学科的研究实验室, 学生作为研究助理在哪里获得学分, engages students, faculty, researchers, and practitioners in research that focus on intervention and prevention strategies for eliminating domestic and sexual violence.

预防创新研究中心 (PIRC) is seeking highly motivated undergraduate and graduate students to help with multiple research and practice projects (with the potential to extend into a full year internship, pending review). 申请人必须有良好的学习成绩, should be interested in the field of sexual and relationship violence prevention and have a commitment to social justice. 申请人将被分配到当前的PIRC研究和实践项目中工作, 在三个项目区域之一内, 在通过申请流程进行评估后. Applicants will have the opportunity to rate their desired area of interest during the application process. 三个项目范围是: 

  1. Research (e.g., data collection in SPSS and survey creation in Qualtrics, entering data, literature reviews) 

  2. 课程开发 (e.g.实施和创建预防学习工具和战略) 

  3. Smartphone Apps  (e.g.推广、制作营销材料以及提供应用反馈)



The Sharon B. 墨菲赞助研究实习

Established for students with an expressed interest and passion for working in the field of sexual and relationship violence and stalking prevention and response, the Sharon B. 墨菲实习为全职UNH大三学生提供带薪职位, senior, 或GPA不低于3分的研究生.优秀的写作技巧,并表现出对该领域的兴趣.

Fall 2023 Sharon B. 墨菲实习接受者

2023年秋季沙龙B. 墨菲赞助的研究实习生是娜奥米·施耐德,一个护理本科生.


艾丽·科斯马拉的照片, a Spring 2021 预防创新研究中心 intern who is working on research.

Ally Kosmala


Ally是UNH的大四学生, 主修心理学和司法学, 辅修妇女与性别研究. She has experience working on a crisis center call line and has been trained in peer advocacy with SHARPP—continuing to explore more options in this field. Ally is interested in restorative justice and alternative ways to rehabilitate offenders. Her other interests include drug rehabilitation and working with offenders with mental illnesses. 为了她的实习项目, she is working on a research project with the University of New Mexico where we are looking to form a bystander program for sexual violence in the engineering field

夏洛特·斯坦斯伯里的照片, a Spring 2021 预防创新研究中心 intern who is working on communications.

Charlotte Stansbury


夏洛特在UNH主修传播学,辅修工商管理. 她将于2022年毕业,对人生的下一个阶段感到兴奋. 为了她的PIRC实习, Charlotte analyzes our four social media channels and creates a monthly media reports that track our results so we can better strategize. 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢烘焙或弹吉他.

Photo of Emily Desormier, a 预防创新研究中心 intern working on communications.

Emily Desormier


Emily是UNH的大四学生,拥有英语文学和传播学双学位. 今年春天,她正在为PIRC做一个标签分析项目. The goal of her project is to gain a better understanding of how to best utilize hashtags across social media platforms and optimize the strategy for PIRC and other organizations like us. 大学毕业后,我希望成为一名图书编辑. 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢阅读,和她的狗玩,做瑜伽.

Photo of Hannah Rubin, a 预防创新研究中心 intern working on research.

Hannah Rubin

PIRC uSafeUS项目实习生

汉娜主修传播学和妇女学 & 性别研究,辅修社会学和社会正义领导. She is a senior working on our uSafeUS research team to develop ways to better engage hall staff and residents with the app. 尽管她从未想过自己会从事金融工作, she will be moving west to work for Fidelity Investments in their Salt Lake City office this summer.

Photo of Kat Legier, a 预防创新研究中心 intern working on uSafeUS projects.

Kat Legier

PIRC uSafeUS项目实习生

Kat Legier is a senior at UNH majoring in sociology, women’s studies, and minoring in fine arts. With PIRC, she will be working on developing strategies to promote uSafeUS to states that have passed the EveryVoice Legislation. 在完成本科教育之后, 她希望攻读公共卫生硕士学位,重点关注健康差距. Her career goal is to help keep communities healthy using methods outside of the conventional clinical categories of health, 比如寻找结束性暴力的创新方法.

A photo of Maeve Pitman, a 预防创新研究中心 intern working on research.

Maeve Pitman


Maeve is a Psychology and Justice Studies major with a minor in Forensics and Sociology, 今年春天毕业. Throughout her time at UNH she has gained a lot of knowledge about the intersection between psychology and sociology with criminal behavior. 她非常喜欢在预防创新公司实习, gaining experience working with an organization related to the topics that she has studied while completing her degree. I am working as a research intern assisting with the Prevention Innovations research projects.

Photo of Nick Brown, a 预防创新研究中心 intern working on special projects.

Nick Brown


Nick于2020年毕业于UNH,获得经济学学士学位,辅修心理学. 他目前就读于UNH的加速MBA课程,专注于金融. 尼克希望毕业后从事金融分析师的工作. In his spare time, he is an athlete for the UNH cross country and track and field teams.